Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, so I read this article along with a YouTube video the other day, about a new legal 'drug.' It's called I-doser (article below). It's a track of sound lasting anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes that basically mess up your brain and make you feel like you're on the drug it's named for (ex. I-doser Cocaine). What happens is, that the sounds that are played in the track don't mix well with each other in your brain, this causes some kind of weird high that is similar to the highs that you get on drugs. The person who made the video I watched was kind of cautious about this, I mean, who wouldn't be? They're sounds taht mess with your psyche! But despite this I had to see for myself, yes that's right, I listened to a 15 minute dose of Marajuana I-doser that was uploaded on YouTube. It kinda just almost put me to sleep. No high, no munchies, no nothing. Though, keep in mind, the makers of I-doser meant the doeses to be taking for something like a half an hour at a time, through stereo headphones, where I was listening to the dose on my computer speakers that play mono on YouTube, so the jury's still out for me. Though it's not like I'm advising you to go out and buy I-doser tracks on iTunes or anything. This stuff could be really dangerous for your brain! So listener discresion is advised!

Also, the morning after I listened to the Marajuana I-doser, I woke up with a HUGE headache, so REALLY be careful with that stuff
